Voicemail greeting
Our smart intercom has standard greetings:
  • 5:00-12:00 - «Good morning from Ufanet! Please, come in!»
  • 12:00-18:00 - «Good afternoon from Ufanet! Please, come in!»
  • 18:00-00:00 - «Good evemimg from Ufanet! Please, come in!»
  • 00:00-05:00 - «Greetings from Ufanet! Please, come in!»

To create a personal voice greeting, you need to contact the manager with the necessary data:
- files (total duration 100 hours) - stereo recordings of phone calls (where speakers are in different channels - left/right) without compression
- separate files of recordings of telephone calls + text files with the text of what they say (300 audio files + text) lasting 10-20 seconds with one speaker
1. take files of phone calls
2. cut them into files for 10-20 seconds
3. cut out one channel - one speaker remains
4. listen and fill out the text file with words from the videos